Vesti proaste pentru fanii formatiei Green Day care ii asteptau sa ii vada in concerte. Membrii trupei Green Day au fost nevoiti sa amane show-urile din perioada urmatoare din cauza faptului ca mai multe persoane din echipa lor s-au imbolnavit.
Informatia a fost facuta publica chiar de trupa printr-un mesaj postat pe una dintre retelele de socializare.
„Green Day regretfully must postpone three of the first four dates of their upcoming tour and must cancel the Toronto appearance, all due to illness affecting several members of the band and its crew. The postponed dates are: St. Louis, MO on 9/20, Chicago, IL on 9/21; and Detroit, MI on 9/24. The show in Toronto, ONT on 9/23, where they were due to appear at the World Cup of Hockey Fan Village will be canceled. Schedule permitting, Green Day will make up all dates but Toronto, and tickets will be honored at the new dates.
„We’re so sad to announce we have to postpone three shows and cancel Toronto,” said the band. „Many of us have been battling this infection for days on end to be ready, and it just got the best of us”.