Minelli a lansat o nouă piesă ce se bucură de succes in clasamentele internationale.
Clipul piesei Ram-pam-pam transpune în imagini trăirile dintr-o relație toxică și prezintă, prin cadre dinamice, filmul răzbunării. Minelli, ajutată de două prietene, reușesc să ducă la capăt un plan foarte bine pus la punct pentru cel care a provocat răni adânci și amintiri dureroase.
„Este o piesă care mie îmi place foarte mult. Am făcut-o acum o lună, în noile sesiuni. Este o piesă care sper să o aiba toată lumea pe buze, să rămână în cap la toată lumea. Este o piesă de dragoste. ieri am lansat clipul şi să vedem acum cum o sa meargă.”, a spus aceasta.
You shot me so damn well… RamPamPam
You shot me then you got me ‘nd I’m like damn… RamPamPam
I see the satisfaction in your eyes… RamPamPam
I loved you and I trusted you so well so why, oh why, oh why?
You shot me so damn well… RamPamPam
You shot me then you got me ‘nd I’m like damn… RamPamPam
I see satisfaction in your eyes… RamPamPam
I’m lookin’ at you and I’m asking why, oh why, oh why, oh why
Baby, I see what’s on your mind – I see, you try to find another lie – For me, and when I ask about it
When I ask you’re hiding from me
Confusing thoughts and mystery – I see, our love was just a fantasy – For me, you played me like nobody
When you were everything for me
You shot me so damn well… RamPamPam
You shot me then you got me ‘nd I’m like damn… RamPamPam
I see the satisfaction in your eyes… RamPamPam
I loved you and I trusted you so well so why, oh why, oh why?
You shot me so damn well… RamPamPam
You shot me then you got me ‘nd I’m like damn… RamPamPam
I see satisfaction in your eyes… RamPamPam
I’m lookin’ at you and I’m asking why, oh why, oh why, oh why
Another face, no sympathy – From me
You turned me into your enemy – I see, don’t wanna talk about it
‘Cause I don’t have no reason to believe you
You shot me so damn well… RamPamPam
You shot me then you got me ‘nd I’m like damn… RamPamPam
I see the satisfaction in your eyes… RamPamPam
I loved you and I trusted you so well so why, oh why, oh why?
You shot me so damn well… RamPamPam
You shot me then you got me ‘nd I’m like damn… RamPamPam
I see satisfaction in your eyes… RamPamPam
I’m lookin’ at you and I’m asking why, oh why, oh why, oh why
Baby, I see what’s on your mind – I see, you try to find another lie – For me, and when I ask about it
When I ask you’re hiding from me
Confusing thoughts and mystery – I see, our love was just a fantasy – For me, you played me like nobody
When you were everything for me
You shot me so damn well… RamPamPam
You shot me then you got me ‘nd I’m like damn… RamPamPam
I see the satisfaction in your eyes… RamPamPam
I loved you and I trusted you so well so why, oh why, oh why?
You shot me so damn well… RamPamPam
You shot me then you got me ‘nd I’m like damn… RamPamPam
I see satisfaction in your eyes… RamPamPam
I’m lookin’ at you and I’m asking why, oh why, oh why, oh why
Another face, no sympathy – From me
You turned me into your enemy – I see, don’t wanna talk about it
‘Cause I don’t have no reason to believe you
Confusing thoughts and mystery – I see, our love was just a fantasy – For me, you played me like nobody
When you were everything for me
You shot me so damn well… RamPamPam
You shot me then you got me ‘nd I’m like damn… RamPamPam
I see the satisfaction in your eyes… RamPamPam
I loved you and I trusted you so well so why, oh why, oh why?
You shot me so damn well… RamPamPam
You shot me then you got me ‘nd I’m like damn… RamPamPam I see satisfaction in your eyes… RamPamPam
I’m lookin’ at you and I’m asking why, oh why, oh why, oh why
My soul is hollow
I know what you’re hiding from me, ‘nd maybe tomorrow
I’ll see what you want me to see
T I oh, T I oh
You shot me so damn well… RamPamPam
You shot me then you got me ‘nd I’m like damn… RamPamPam
I see the satisfaction in your eyes… RamPamPam
I loved you and I trusted you so well so why, oh why, oh why?
You shot me so damn well… RamPamPam
You shot me then you got me ‘nd I’m like damn… RamPamPam
I see satisfaction in your eyes… RamPamPam
I’m lookin’ at you and I’m asking why, oh why, oh why, oh why