Jessie Ware (pe numele ei real Jessica Lois) este o artista de origine britanica nascuta la data de 15 octombrie 1984) ce s-a lansat in cariera muzicala in anul 2010, dupa ce a lucrat ca ziarista si producatoare la o companie de film.
A facut parte o perioada de timp din formatia de backing vocals a artistului britanic Jack Peñate care a luat-o in turnee si a incurajat-o sa se apuce de muzica.
Jessie Ware a colaborat de asemenea si la albumul „Ceremonials” lansat in 2011 al celor de la Florence and the Machine, fiind prietena foarte buna cu solista Florence Welch.
Primul ei single s-a numit „Strangest Feeling” si a fost lansat in toamna lui 2011, dar care nu s-a bucurat de mare succes in Marea Britanie.
In 2012 artista a lansat primul ei album intitulat Devotion de pe care a lansat single-urile 110% si Running, melodii ce au reusit sa atraga atentia, una din piese reusind sa intre in topurile britanice.
Melodia Wildest Moments este al treilea single extras de pe albumul Devotion al artistei Jessie Ware ce a reusit sa intre in topurile britanice.
Succesul artistei a venit dupa cateva luni, albumul Devotion reusind sa urce pana pe locul 5 in topul celor mai bune albume din Marea Britanie.
Dupa cateva turnee ce au inclus si Statele Unite, Jessie Ware s-a intors la inceputul lui 2014 in studio pentru a inregistra cel de-al doilea sau album.
Versuri Wildest Moments
You and I – bloodlines
We come together every time
Two wrongs, no rights
We lose ourselves at night
From the outside, from the outside
Everyone must be wondering why we try
Why do we try
Baby in our wildest moments
We could be the greatest, we could be the greatest
Baby in our wildest moments
We could be the worst of all
Baby in our wildest moments
We could be the greatest, we could be the greatest
Baby in our wildest moments
We could be the worst of all
Wait on, thunder sky
Wherever theres smoke, there’ll soon be fire
What could bring bad luck
Ive been looking at you too much
From the outside, from the outside
Everyone must be wondering why we try
Why do we try
Baby in our wildest moments
We could be the greatest, we could be the greatest
Baby in our wildest moments
We could be the worst of all
Baby in our wildest moments
We could be the greatest, we could be the greatest
Baby in our wildest moments
We could be the worst of all
In the middle of it
We walk, we walk the line
Looking back i miss it
Our wildest moments
Are you thinking what if
What if we ruined it all
My wrecking ball
From the outside, from the outside
Everyone must be wondering why we try
Why do we try
Baby in our wildest moments
We could be the greatest, we could be the greatest
Baby in our wildest moments
We could be the worst of all
Baby in our wildest moments
We could be the greatest, we could be the greatest
Baby in our wildest moments
We could be the worst of all